YHN Acquisition I闪耀纳斯达克,开启新篇章

What an incredible moment for YHN Acquisition I Limited (YHNA)! On November 25, 2024, we celebrated the Nasdaq bell ringing ceremony, marking a major milestone for YHN—a SPAC jointly established by Norwich Capital Limited and Yon Ho Capital.

2024年11月25日,对于YHN Acquisition I Limited(YHNA)来说,是一个无比激动人心的日子!我们共同见证了纳斯达克上市钟声的敲响,这标志着由诺圻资本资本与永和资本携手打造的特殊目的收购公司(SPAC)——YHN Acquisition I,成功迈出了重要的一步!


Our Managing Director, Eugene, proudly represented YHNA at the event, delivering a speech that reflected on the journey and the collective effort that brought us to this moment.

在这次盛大的活动中,我们的董事总经理Eugene Wong作为代表上台发言,他回顾了这一路走来的艰辛与荣耀,以及团队共同付出的努力。

This achievement wouldn’t have been possible without the hard work, collaboration, and dedication of so many. A heartfelt thank-you to our sponsors, underwriter Lucid, legal counsel Loeb & Loeb, and most importantly, our investors, whose trust and confidence have been invaluable throughout this journey.

每一个成功的背后,都凝聚着无数人的汗水与智慧。在此,我们要向所有赞助商、承销商Lucid、法律顾问Loeb & Loeb,以及最重要的——我们的投资者们,致以最诚挚的感谢!是你们的信任与支持,让我们能够坚定前行,无惧风雨。


YHNA's IPO on September 18 was just the beginning. Now, the Norwich and Yon Ho teams are focused on delivering results and driving YHNA’s long-term success. We’re excited for the road ahead and the opportunities it brings.


Thank you to everyone who has supported us along the way—this is only the start of something great! 

感谢每一位陪伴我们一路走来的朋友与支持者,这只是一个伟大故事的开始!让我们携手共进,共创YHN Acquisition I更加辉煌的明天!

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